You are certainly entitled to an opinion of course. But you’re like a guy studying an elephant with a microscope. You zoom in on this one spot,...
Right and that level of expertise means nothing I got it. F me for bringing it up lol but it’s you guys who won’t drop it now.
Horse shit I’ve used several links and made several arguments that were not just an appeal to experience. When are you guys gonna step back and...
omg such a whiny response my god. I do not know everything about higher Ed nor do I know all the answers to everything. But I do know , in this...
why are you so upset that I happen to be an expert in this one area? It doesn’t mean I know all the answers but I do know a lot - about this one...
lol dude you have no clue the blood sweat and tears I have given to this university and it’s students. Just because I happen to know more about...
Hey I find your doubling down on ignorance and hating on expertise like it’s a badge of honor to be just as interesting. Keeps me coming back.
and yet you’ve accused me of being a bad communicator. The irony. yes all people are insecure. About something. Higher Ed is not one of those...
It just really grinds my gears when conservatives start debating someone and then when they find out that person has expertise in the given area...
I can certainly comment on higher ed with a great deal more nuanced understanding than you - or most other people for that matter who haven't made...
You literally accused me of being insecure! Don't dish it out if you can't take it
I'm confident about UF, and higher ed broadly, because it's what I do. It's my career - I'm an expert in higher ed. Broadly. The mission. What...
I literally said bad science happens. Jesus it's almost impossible to have a legitimate discourse with you it's like talking to a middle school...
Departments < University of Florida How many departments are at UF? How many do you think give a crap in their daily work about race? Sure, there...
OK so another thing in a long line of things you seem to not understand. Google isn't slanted OK? The issue is there are more liberals writing...
It really bothers me when people talk about shit they obviously don’t understand. Only a fraction of a percent of what is written in the...
What is academia in your opinion?
those are two people!!! There are thousands of faculty at Uf. These voices you describe are a very small radical minority. Sure lots of people...
Regardless of whether you believe dei based programs are seeking to build equity or are discriminatory against white people (lol) the point I’ve...
This discussion has become pointless. I really don’t want to bury this thread in an argument about what is equity because obviously liberals and...