Do we even have a winning record since we started playing that song at home? maybe we should let them play ;)
He'll be a politician before he's a coach.
Isn't he a walk on?
If that's the way we're calling plays then we're freaking doomed lol
Enough of all this new "tradition" crap that seems to only be tradition for losses.
Yeah it's kinda silly, the fact they didn't do this while he was alive makes me think the dude wasn't even a fan.
Of course it's right down the middle.
They are doing this on purpose, they know 3rd and long is EASY MONEY
Short of them shooting themselves in the foot it's over.
We may not get the ball back.
Waited to see if the ball was picked to throw the flag.
Refs took it away. that allowed??!?!?!
That's this point I'd let him coach the damn D
Don't mind the plays so much but why no urgency between plays, look at the freaking clock.
Late hit on the jackasses.
Must go faster.
What is Kelly so mad about? they will get the 1st on per tradition.
Down by 3 TD's...lets throw sideways.