Yeah, the Democrats aren't forward thinking enough. But the Trumppublicans were : "They're eating the dogs and cats!" is downright futuristic....
It leads to precisely where we are. And it most assuredly wasn't me, or even people like me, that led us here. - We're about to see the likes of...
Certainly you are aware that; 1) A sitting POTUS enacted a conspiracy to overturn an election. 2) A political-minded judiciary ensured there was...
They were federal indictments. The corrupt judge in FL and corrupt USSC made sure there was no trial for over 60 grand jury indictments. Maybe...
Indeed. I remember well how Clinton criminally tried to overturn an election. I also remember how he enacted a criminal conspiracy to not...
Do you honestly not see how Trump introduced massive criminality into modern American politics.......and that his voters clearly didn't care a bit...
I'd be disappointed if he didn't pardon Hunter. Trump and his voters have made clear that crime is OK now, and ethics don't matter. Trump has...
Nope. But yours is. Missed your outrage at Trump's unethical pardons. Glad you found your righteousness now. Finally. :)
When Trump tried to overturn an election, and was the first and only president to attempt to not peacefully transfer power......and when his...
Entered thread to see Trump supporters really really care about criminal behavior once again, and to see them once again really really care about...
Trump supporters have one criteria for whether someone is suitable for a position: do they unwaveringly support Trump, including his criminality....
It's pretty obvious that this Trump guy doesn't really care about anyone's ability to do their job, and help the American people. It's been said...
Haven't paid attention to this thread. But we're hearing complaints about someone's public speaking from.....people who rabidly support a guy who...
Not a cult.
Indeed. And what a foul, amoral choice it is. Here's the guy Trump selected to be a US ambassador, LOL; Kushner hired a prostitute to lure...
The absurd things some of YOU say are quite silly. It sure is strange how the results of an election seem to empower people to overlook such...
You make a good point. I'll try to bear it in mind. For the record, I think that I make a very valid point too; enabling those who do wrong is...
Your post (and thought process) really could be interpreted as "Silently tolerate Trumpy crime, and enabling it, or we'll speciously label you as...
This magnificent post deserves to be in some kind of THFSG Hall of Fame. Truly, I love it. I spent some time connecting dots after using your...
Obviously. And regardless of those people, you support the most vile, un-American, criminal conduct by a sitting POTUS in the entire history of...