Now do the fake elector slates. And the four years of publicly lying about fake election fraud. Talk about his trying to coerce his own VP and...
Now do laws about criminally trying to overturn an election. Or intentionally and illegally trying to not return classified documents. Oh wait,...
This. They clearly showed that they don't respect the most simple norm of a functioning democracy - honoring elections. Why would anyone expect...
Why argue. They're parasites; break the law when it's convenient, claim full protection of the law when that suits them instead. No respect for...
Could you please express that with a GIF? (It would be much wittier)
I'd be interested in you pointing out my "liberal bs." Bet you can't.
These are the same people who literally saw a person criminally attempt to overturn an election...... and then they voted him to be President of...
No, you're wrong. And this is the fallacy of the Republican Party under Trump in the Trump era. Right now what we specifically have is a...
I guess you search for them? I don't do GIFs, so don't really know. Certainly you can't have a GIF library stored, so you go to a site? After...
Trump's cabinet meetings are going to be like the Star Wars bar scene. But where an errantly introduced semen-detecting black light...
Astoundingly unqualified. And yet I love her. Because I love that wise, great man, Donald Trump.* * (He was amazing on The Apprentice.)
I'm eagerly anticipating the great Donald Trump replacing our undocumented labor force, appx 9 million strong, with a similar-sized group of...
I think we can add this evidence of Republicans actively trying to make sure that potential crime is covered up further proves that the answer to...
Bowing out of this thread after this. It's pretty obvious that I'm agnostic, but I make at least some effort to view religions and faith in a...
Ya, fair enough. But if you don't believe the right thing, you might be reincarnated next as una cockaroacha, while someone else gets to be...
Shouldn't take you long to cite some, then. I'd love to see them. My guess is that you'll just run away though, after saying something untrue...
Imagine being a grown man and being so ecstatic over the election of the criminal Trump that you GIF-spam a political message board......with...
My bad.
That's a cute GIF - it captures your man's pancake makeup very nicely. But I wasn't asking you.