You are a good poster on sports forums. You post nonsense here. Just a reminder that quality is not transferable.
What I have noticed is that the cones of uncertainty have been getting tighter. I am not ready to say this will definitely miss Florida but it...
My memory may be off but didn’t the Soviets get several seats at
The Republican Party has become a weird amalgamation between those who only care about their taxes, the mysoginistic believers in god and Jesus...
Is he bored?
While I was unhappy with week one results, what I am interested in is does the team get better as the season progresses. If it doesn’t I may join...
It’s free on Hulu I think.
There is less than you think is going on. Russia has been our enemy since the end of ww2. They are trying to restore territory they lost after...
The handmaids tale was supposed to be a warning not a roadmap.
I was assuming it was hyperbole. 30 percent of Americans supported hitler. The more things change the more things remain the same.
So 78 percent of republicans believe the lies that trump and his minions told. At best that make them gullible but I think useful idiots is a...
Or are they okay with a rich man who lies and steals and try’s to do away with our constitution?
So 60 percent of republicans are opposed to the truth?
And I think the original act may predate the ratification of the constitution.
The amendments aren’t part of the constitution?
If I was China I might take Siberia. That is where the oil is. Russia can’t beat Ukraine China would take Siberia easily.