Or there is a vertical and horizontal monopoly. Who conspire to keep prices elevated.
There is a quote I am fond of the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. I don’t have a dog in this fight but not acting...
Florida 1453
Florida UNC Kentucky Notre Dame Va tech
There is a non zero chance that this would happen but I think it is unlikely.
Besides his narcissism his physical health I would say is not good. I think waiting on his death would not be a good strategy though.
I honestly think people post nonsense like this to rile thinking people up. Are people really this ignorant? Maybe I will be accused of having...
This is the least American thing I have ever looked at. We are not a Christian nation. We were founded on the idea that we can worship or not...
Santos is not even the worst of our representatives. He is just a basic con man.
Is this parody? If so well done. If not seek help.
His dad also played briefly for spurrier in 90 and 91.
His brother walked on here last year. So maybe??
A successful sales floor will close 10 percent of those. At least that is what I was told.
I thought China was dominating rare earth resources. We need to exploit what is here domestically. Can’t be held over a barrel by tyants.
I must confess to not understanding this either.
If they are being paid how can they still be amateurs?
And the response was getting a bored Bob hope the next year who was more interested in filming an entrance with 80 thousand fans than in being...
Related??? Things that make you go hmmm. Not sure who is our worst ally, Saudi Arabia or Turkey?
So I imagine I have you ignored on a previous name. Let’s see how many posts you get till you get ignored again. lol
Lol. I have been being conservative all year. If the gators don’t whip Vandy I may take a vacation till basketball starts. lol