He hasn’t.
[ATTACH] Spent several days working our property in OK and took a detour on the way back home to hit the NW Arkansas mt bike trail system. Hooked...
How dare you post about coronavirus news in the US in a thread titled “Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts”
More winning. New wave of COVID-19 cases builds in US I heard it referred to as the Trump Flu. At this point, he should own his own stupid.
I think the shirt says it all.
I have heard this a few times from people I had assumed weren't idiots (this proves that theory wrong). Apparently, the whole world is conspiring...
Because they are the anti-science crowd. His logic would lead you to believe seat belts have no value because a person wearing one still died...
As has been discussed ad nauseum, some of the SE Asian countries didn't get hit hard because they aren't selfish asses and actually wore masks.
He pisses on his people and they are over joyed for the “rain”.
Seven dead now, still none that attended the wedding. Coronavirus death toll linked to wedding in Maine grows to 7
Killing off his supporters. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
The old "media doesn't report...." spiel, that never ends well. This morning while riding to the trail head, heard a report on NPR that death rate...
Come on, you knew the linked article was going to be bullshit. I learned awhile back when I clicked on a few of his links, never adds value.
So frustrating that these idiots are supposed to be running the country. It’s no wonder Americans aren’t allowed into most other countries. GOP...
It says (and I quoted) something similar in this article, that is why I posted the caveat. The link isn't damning but, as I said, it is interesting.
Penn State doctor: About a third of tested athletes with COVID-19 had heart inflammation Interesting. An important nugget that may explain some...
Woohoo!! Another country is not banning us entirely (just the idiot states that don't "believe" in science) Costa Rica lifting restrictions on...
Teen and children hospitalizations, deaths from coronavirus increasing: report While still a relatively small number, death and hospitalizations...
Neighbor across the street tested positive yesterday. They think he got it from his daughter’s softball team. Both parents carry a lot of extra...
We were here over Christmas. Did Lisbon, Barcelona, then Madrid with wife and both boys. Great trip.