There is certainly no law against being a nut job conspiracy loon, but there are ramifications. Of the companies that stopped doing business with...
Seems like a great guy. This should surprise no one. Nutjobs and conspiracy wackos attract and feed off each other.
Somewhere in April I believe I actually praised trump for finally taking the virus seriously. Talk about being wrong. But, I said it and I own it.
Is Louisville still around? Did he get locked up in DC or something?
I understand, it seem like a lot and I am def giving him the benefit of a doubt. When I drive out to my property in OK, I will have 500+ rounds...
I'm on fence with this guy (the one stopped with the guns and ammo). Initial reports made him seem like a nut but some of his story seems...
That was painful to read. Guys a fruitcake.
Yeah, she fits right in with trump and his millions of "victims". Not sure I have ever seen a bigger bunch of snowflakes.
Didn't know that Officer Goodman was an Iraqi War combat vet (served with the 101st Airborne). It is funny (and sickening) that traitorous...
On the lighter side, I was with a friend at UF who asked his GF if she could talk her friend into having a threesome. His GF said "Uhh, you...
Damn, the timeline of her spiral is alarming. I would be curious as to her military record. She served 13 or 14 years and made the same rank I...
Sad but not surprising. The people who rioted (and especially took part in the cop killing) need to be swiftly punished. The trash that supports...
Some of our schools are still open, this was the HS principal making the call. My wife was apparently exposed at the beginning of the week from a...
Just swung by to check out the latest trumpslaining of the attempted violent overthrow of the Government and killing of police officers.
Gold medalist Olympic swimmer recognized amid Capitol mob 6’6” tall and wore his Olympic team jacket to the riot. Employer in C Springs is...
Damn. Incredible that it comes to that.
He always plays the victim, takes zero responsibility.
Our HS was open for 6 days (about 70% went in, 30% stayed virtual). They just closed the school this morning, ran out of teachers.