At what size exactly does the wall go from "clearly necessary" to "symbol of bigotry?" Sounds an awful lot like hackery and grandstanding to me.
You're right about that. This will likely always be a problem, we can just take measures to mitigate the problem via policy.
If "your window" here is a metaphor for "the border," I think that's pretty draconian. We shouldn't go that far. You're right people should knock...
Who said that I hate them? DeSantis wasn't lying. He was presenting the sanctuary city pitch to people who crossed the border. They signed waivers...
I think a whole lot of them really view themselves as heroes. Me, I dread the phrase "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." When you...
That's besides the point. If they can't handle 50 "asylum seekers" at a time, they sure as Hell can't handle hundreds or thousands of illegal...
As expensive as a wall could ever be, it's a heck of a lot easier to build a wall than fix the entire third world.
Let's dial it back a little. This isn't an act of war. It's mostly people fleeing for jobs. I think they should have a better reason than that,...
You don't need a dude in a truck roaming every square mile of the fence back and forth. You can put surveillance mechanisms in place, monitor high...
Bro, obviously walls and jail cells don't work. People have escaped jail and prison before, therefore, walls and jail cells are not effective...
Why do you consider a work visa program a success even though it wouldn't completely solve the problem (and it may not even necessarily make it...
I'll give credit where credit is due. You've been tooting the work visas horn forever at this point. Where I disagree is that it's a catch-all...
I still think this is a better treatment to the problem than a border wall. We have cultural issues with respect to immigration as well, but a...
I'm old enough to remember when they called this a "symbol of bigotry" when Trump wanted it.
I probably would if I didn't feel like his Administration was pulling the strings during his Presidency (and will if he wins again), not unlike...
If they still do after all this, I'd say they're misguided. They've been hoodwinked by a used car salesman who says all the right things, but is...
Because of the slim margin and because there is no Republican leader in the House who has shown the ability to keep them in line. This isn't on...
It's 8 Republicans, dude. That's a "revolution?"
The 8 Republicans responsible need to be ousted. Nothing personal, and maybe they have the best intentions, though I have my doubts, but you can't...
Look at Muschamp, McElwain, and Mullen year 2. One half season with a generally weak schedule is not nearly enough to paint a full picture. Miami...