Our military is not run by terrorists raping people, kidnapping children, and knocking door to door slaughtering families.
If that's the only difference you see, I suggest you move to one of these shitholes. And if Gaza is a no-go for you because of the warzone, by all...
I am not holding all Palestinians responsible. But at some point, you have to say that the Palestinian people as a whole share some blame in this...
If you can't tell the difference between the American military and Hamas you are either evil or an enabler of evil.
You are drawing a moral equivalency between the American military and Hamas. There's collateral damage that inevitably comes from war, then...
It's because we've seen this dog and pony show before. The second the left sees an image of a dead Palestinian child, they will ask Israel to...
At what point will you guys stop giving these people the benefit of the doubt? My goodness.
They were worse than an act of war dude, and they were organized by the governing body of Gaza. What comes/came next is fair game.
Poll finds dramatic rise in Palestinian support for Hamas "The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of...
Because those were acts of terror. They are now responding to acts of terror organized by Hamas with a declaration of war.
What happened in Israel wasn't war. They were targeting civilians... They were selectively targeting defenseless people... raping them, killing...
It's wishful thinking. Here's what we know: It's not one percent of the Palestinian population that supports Hamas. It's at least around half,...
They could have, but the people of Palestine chose Hamas... and Hamas chose differently. Hamas has no interest in a two-state solution. They've...
Evil never truly dies, but it's threatening vehicles can definitely be neutered. Will Israel ever have to stop defending itself? I don't think...
Not raping innocent women and kidnapping innocent children. I'll tell you that much. Not beheading someone as they're dying and parading the...
The "war on terror" hits a little different when it's at your front door and all of your neighbors would rather die than have you continue to...
The point is that Israel deserves credit for already being infinitely more graceful with the people of Palestine than Hamas is with its own people.
They already are. They're warning Palestinians to leave. When they bomb high rises, they give a warning shot to make sure people evacuate the...
The West. The UN. Palestinian sympathizers.
Self defense meeting human shields used by Hamas will never be evil on the side defending itself. It is one of the worst kinds of evil on the part...