The waist is a terrible thing to mind.
If a business owner knowingly hired an illegal and they commit murder or another felony is the business owner to any degree responsible?
Lol. Y’all going to believe what you want as long as it fits your agenda.
Yuengling is the only American owned major brewer left in the US. I flipped over to them a long time ago. The rest can pound sand.
Aren’t Indy cars assembled this way? When a part breaks usually from a crash the pit crew loosens a body part, removes it, and replaces it with a...
Unfunded liabilities like pensions are difficult for many states. At least on paper. Last I looked Cali has some big ones as do many others. This...
The letters SBD will become significant.
I didn’t say it was.
I fart in your general direction.
If gang members want to kill each other so be it. I don’t give a rats butt as long as no one else gets hurt. Shoot away boys and girls and...
I can see some dude who doesn’t like the idea his girlfriend wants to keep the baby slipping one of these pills into her drink.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Proud Boys. Lol
That’s hilarious
I don’t get the need to slam faiths wether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. There are way more good people who follow them so why insult the...
Silly comments like this by Trump gets this reaction #yawn
I can’t answer that question. Just that their carry is for personal protection. No one knows how they will react if someone else is threatened...
Like I posted, the ones i know don’t do that.
lol at the pretend to be cops comment. I know a lot of gun owners who carry and none of them pretend to be cops. But you go ahead and say it if...
I guess everyone needs to start carrying a set of handcuffs to restrain bad guys until the authorities arrive? Or zip ties.
Or work as an LEO and experience it in real life. For the small amount of time I worked in patrol I felt like I was babysitting except they were...