Parents can educate at home as they choose. The other side cannot undo what’s happened. One has a choice the other doesn’t if all have to be...
And many others benefit from it. It’s called having a choice. Not all choices are the right ones.
Yes. But vouchers in general. I think an income limit needs to be installed.
No I don’t. Let the parents decide at what age. It’s their child not mine.
Yea it’s difficult to distinguish at times. Threat assessment isn’t easy. There have been some obvious and rather extreme examples where internet...
It’s not if done at the proper grade level.
If only all the public schools were as good as yours. Lol Both of mine attended public schools and received a good education. Still, I support...
They also made changes to our aim9s. Actual combat has a way of showing how stuff really works.
That was before woke BS started the war between left and right. There’s a saying about let sleeping dogs lie.
Gerrymandering isn’t anything new. There have been AAs who benefitted from it also. When I lived in Alachua county in a place called Town of...
The right and left are at war and it’s going to continue on for a while. Compromise died long ago and now it’s everyone for their side no matter...
Subsidizing things you don’t like is the same argument people use in medical where abortion coverage and transition procedures are paid by all....
A little off topic but,,, the wife and I were running errands and decided to stop at a Steak and Shake restaurant where we haven’t eaten at in a...
We need a yawn emoji
I knew guys like that back many moons ago. One of my buddies told his team he was going to take out the SS because he didn’t like him. It was slow...
Something that needs to be mentioned is no one has to buy Coca Cola. It’s not a necessity except for a business selling mixed drinks where regular...
Those days are over. Everyone is packing now a days.
That tells me they don’t think they can win without trying to hurt someone on the other team. What a bunch of losers
Disagree. I’ve known and worked with a lot who were as good a person as any I’ve know in my 70 years on this earth. Two of my best friends were...