Reading this thread reminded me of the song with the words,,, Pardon me mam, is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?
Bobby Bowden was a hypocrite and liar. I have personal knowledge of both. But most of the time he was a good guy and Christian who sinned like...
Convicted politicians and wealthy people need to go to a real prison. Not one of those country club places where they are allowed to go home on...
Way too short a penalty. Minimum of 30 years with a longer probation period.
I don’t recognize the name.
My no was for the Al Anon question. My wife attended some NA (narcotics anonymous) meetings with my daughter. She lived in Georgia while we live...
No, but my wife attended a few NA meetings with my daughter. My daughter stopped going to them a few years ago.
My heart hurts for you. There is no more frustration than knowing your child has or may have serious issues and you can’t help. It eats you...
This. As hard as my wife and I tried we couldn’t save our daughter from her bad choices. My daughter had drug issues since age 15. That’s 30...
Yay team
You can say that again.
That’s what they do.
See Marion Berry. Guy needs to be in prison for a long time if he abused a minor.
Would a Bible scholar let me know at what point you are rich so I can stay a penny below that level.
Bless his heart.
Good. Now maybe they’ll stay the hell out.
I’d like a federal law that requires documentation of all gun incidences where murder exist to include,,,,, Gender Age Race education level How...
It’s the shithole people. Let’s put the blame where it belongs.
Crack is bad M kay
I like to think I’m one on most issues.