Moved to Lithia Florida in April. Got tired of red tide, hurricanes, and flood insurance. Got out while the getting out was good. Made a...
I don’t think that will happen since Christian’s don’t go around yelling “look at me, I’m a Christian”. And to top it off, I don’t want to do...
Curious the result should athletes be included in these decisions. Many are borderline academically eligible to play sports in HS. Minimum gpa...
Hunting rifles are high powered. More than the AR types.
If that crime doesn’t deserve the death penalty none do. BS
What state?
My wife and I own only one car due to auto insurance costs in Florida. A dude in the neighborhood converts and sells bikes with a small gas...
Lots of immigrants still coming. Let’s give them jobs raking the forests. Pay minimum wage and let them collect the pine straw to be sold for...
Fwiw Gov. DeSantis signs bills to combat human trafficking in Florida
That’s who has my insurance. I said Tower Hill insurance Exchange. Either way it’s not that expensive imo. See post #26.
Not a good way to gain acceptance no matter their intent. I have friends that have a son living in LA. He’s gay and married to another man. Both...
Fair isn’t a word that belongs in Webster’s in many instances.
Both Democrats and Russians want you to bow down to their beliefs or you will be harassed, cancelled, etc. Freedom of beliefs are not welcome....
Most excellent projection.
Bless your heart.
Lots of triggered libs here. Bless their hearts.
Good advice. Heard a few fire rescue zingers while on the FD and a few others from investigating fire deaths. Zingers from paramedics,...
Not sure if racist. It’s been a thorn in my side forever. Saving grace for me during my doctor visits is my doctor is obese herself. Never...
I did not know only republicans (conservatives) like sales tax increases. I guess I’ve been living under a rock? Edited for those confused. Lol