That was my only point. Not that any one vaccine is exceptionally dangerous, just we do not know what that kind of absurd behavior does to the...
I am not a "Musk-ie". I know very little about him or his philanthropy. If he does a lot of good for other people, then good for him. However,...
There are also no known cases where the human immune system was intentionally challenged 217 times in such a short period of time. We are well...
Isn't this basically what Republi-ban are accusing Biden of? Peddling Influence I think they keep calling it??
Like I have said for years, the scientific process should never be put on public display. Far too many Americans are too ignorant to understand...
Just seems odd that someone would purposely provoke their immune system that frequently over such a short period of time. I do not have enough...
Look where? Literally no one will be able to find the "No Labels" ticket.
Strange that most of what was "written" about the Hawaii fire came from Twitter and Truth Social accounts, and the predominant conspiracy was...
Straight out of the Republi-ban Playbook of control. Keep everyone scared to death of "the boogeyman" and make darn sure that they remain...
Republi-ban idiots and conspiracy theories are getting out of hand. If Republi-ban really are THIS stupid, we really do need to re-think voting...
Christianity has not changed much at all. We just no longer have very many Republi-ban practicing Christianity.
To be clear, the Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers are not. The politicians (both parties), constantly raiding the Social Security Trust Fund...
It is a good discussion to have, but a mental midget like Tubberville is not someone who should be involved. He is not even qualified to ask "you...
Hopefully to use eminent domain to seize the property of whichever whiner filed the lawsuit and use that property to house the homeless. I mean,...
This bill is not addressing any "support" for people in need. This bill is strictly an attempt to remove the "unclean masses" from our sights and...
Probably not a shocking result based on how they created the scoring system. Heaviest weighting was placed on categories without concrete data,...
Does this mental midget think that actual ALIENS from distant planets, galaxies or dimensions are coming across the US boarder speaking...
More "pro-life" BS from the Republi-ban Terror Group. Where are all the phony Christians who post here all the time about how they are so...
At least we are capable of thought. However, once again, the point of my post sailed right over the head of the zombie Republi-ban masses.
According to the Republi-ban, debt only matters when a Democrat is president. Otherwise, Allah-Trump will provide.