Good luck Mr Helm and we appreciate all your time and effort. Portal wars have begun. We are going to lose some and get some. What I’ve noticed...
And that justifies losing to Kentucky, Vandy, FSU, and Tennessee? All of which we have far more stars starting
Sure anything can happen. But there is zero evidence that any QB on the roster or we can get via transfer would be in the same universe as AR....
People were bashing his performance. His performance was as good as can be expected. It’s not a moral victory at all. We have a ton of reasons why...
They’ve always been focused on potential NFL performance. This isn’t new. For example the bust rate of Heisman winners is astronomical
When was the last time UT had a 10 win season? 2007. Last 11 win 2001. Carolina has had 5 9+ win seasons since 2010. What Tennessee has done...
….all these guys want to make the League You are making it seem like AR isn’t giving 100%. He definitely is
If AR stays we should be a SEC and CFP contenders. If he leaves with no transfers we are a mid pack SEC team If we get Hartman we’d need a ton...
12 personnel. We run run and then pass on 3rd and long.
Is this a joke? CBN called multiple non AR runs Then AR threw a ball and Odom dropped an easy TD How the heck is any of that on AR?
Our D matches up well with nobody
Thats hilariously wrong He won us the Utah game. He was our best player by far vs Vandy. If you say AR blew the UK game then you have to give him...
Not 7 a game He went 25/42 for 400 and another 7 drops vs Vandy. His zone read calls were on point. He was very good that game Do you even...
7 drops
Both have fantastic gameday coaches USC had some great transfers too TCU is maybe the best coached team in the country outside of Saban
Would love the Vegas bowl as I can attend. Granted I don’t care much about any of the outcome of these games. Key for me is that CBN develops the...
He is up there for sure. I think he’s more isolated to football fans though. Erin Andrews is known pretty widely now, especially with her non...
Mods are we really okay with questioning our starting QBs heart and character? There is ZERO evidence of any of this. By all accounts he’s a great...
They’ve developed it. Coaching gets credit for developing lesser ranked players and then putting them in positions to succeed
Recruiting is better, but we’ve outrecruited 4 teams that we lost to. People are legitimately believing we have less talent than Vandy. It’s insane