Seen against all the crimes Trump has committed (even Gotti would blush) Trump is the most undercharged man in modern history, except for a couple...
Prigozhin seen in St Petersburg to pick up his personal stuff on way to Belarus exile? Thing aren’t what they appear… [MEDIA]
They hand out VP’s like candy to anyone in middle management at a major bank. It in lieu of abysmal pay. Once you get to Sr. vP you’re pushing...
I agree I don’t expect cops to play hero no matter the situation. I do expect them not to kill beat or rob suspects and innocent people alike. I...
I have never seen a bank VP and (I’ve seen many) who looks like that so I’m calling BS.
Can’t they get around this by limiting applicants in certain zip codes? I have a buddy whose kids go to Plant in Tampa and he said that’s what UF...
That’s hot
I don’t have time to dig through history but I unequivocally remember you saying gayness was a behavior and on several occasions said you don’t...
Explains Trumpaloons. Born bad and easily influenced/led by their nose.
I did the math. 100 reams of classified docs at 500# (what fits in a large casket by cubic volume) add 250# for the casket and 5# for the urn....
Plenty of other charges can be filed there as well. More if they dig her up!
Evangelical Christians are a different breed and you know it. Mainstream Catholics and other groups no.
Certainly not Lacuna. Tilly has said some very troubling things about LGTB people and of course abortion but I not enough yet to place him in...
Its a very mild statement and I see no animus. Huge over reaction on Tilly’s part. I only post on religion in instances where zealot threaten to...
What’s to tolerate? It’s her reasonably informed opinion. She didn’t name anyone and I’m not sure how the other evangelical Christian mod is but...
Nope still not a lie. She’s probably just walking away from your bombast. Disengaged
Who on her side is calling her out and which side are they on? I get that you can’t ignore but you can disengage. No offense intended but...
This reminds me for some reason of the first rap song by a white woman. Deborah Harry’s Rapure I’m going to add it to my playlist.
DeSatan certainly seems to attract racist and anti semites. SAD! Breitbart Commenters Slam the Site After it Reports on Conservative Activist’s...