I crack up how anyone who promotes anything that may be good for Trump you are part of the cult, and he is the orange God, but in the face of...
In a perfect utopia, none of our elected officials would go into office with a meager financial background and come out 10 years later as...
No not really!!! This thread is about the presser and what they presented. If you can't answer the question, please stop moving the goal posts....
Why are you guys continually bringing up Kustner? This thread is about Hunter, and I asked an easy question. If he didn't do anything but...
I asked what service did they provide. Can you answer that? What is the family business? We know Kustner is a real estate and investment guy, at...
I have a question or two. What was the family business? What did the multiple companies provide to these foreign entities to be paid 10 million...
Ok, I get your argument. Do you get mine though? If my expert, not me, but the expert I cite disagrees with your expert does that make mine a...
I will agree with you to a point. But with everything on this board, if you are from my team and an expert saying what my team believes in then...
Pretty comical!!! You just described the vast majority of the folks that post regularly on this board.
Very presumptuous of you to just assume that snatch is a reference to women.
We only have till 2035 anyhow, don't we???
Where in this law does it say, "Don't say gay"? Or this some new law Liberals and their media cohorts made up? Link please
Exactly he hasn't done much. Still separating children. Solutions to all liberal problems!!! Throw more money at it!!
Well.... With an approval in the 30's and a challenger that is polling in the high teens and another in high single digits, if there was ever a...
And the democrats are just fine? Hell, they are not planning on having a primary and no debates for Presidental candidates. This is functional...
I don't know why you guys are not celebrating while watching the GOP implode?? If everything the GOP is doing is so against what the population...
I bet Aging is willing to admit he was wrong if this is verified, are all you guys willing to do the same?
Says the folks that put Bidum in office!!! Or should we say Obama's third term?
If you can't recognize the difference between the USA and Saudi Arbia and Iran than I'm sorry for you that you feel the way you do.