Pfizer is so dirty. Thread by @KanekoaTheGreat on Thread Reader App
1971. [MEDIA]
I will add these people in Congress that are clapping after this pathetic speech are the same people that say our border is safe. Our border...
It's pathetic. This Zelensky guy is scum. Nice sweat shirt. The strip club manager is loved by the uni-party.
Reproductive Health - OpenVAERS There has been a 4070% increase in VAERS miscarriage and stillbirth reports after the mRNA shots were rolled out.
[MEDIA] Gross
Freedom of speech is only important to you all when it fits your narrative. Disney is free to continue with their pedo talk. They have lost 50...
Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy This article sites lots of studies. If people want to wear masks, I'm...
that guy is sheep+
[MEDIA] Gold.
Down goes the AP writer for trying to start WWIII. AP Fires Reporter Behind Retracted ‘Russian Missiles’ Story
So ridiculous. The figure includes $21.7 billion for defense purposes like equipment and military support, $14.5 billion in direct funding for...
Dindy and Shemar please.