In my view I don’t need everyone to think as i do ( a truly scary thought) but i do wish upon the 3rd party voters a double dose of pragmatism-...
Non-political appointees are not put into jobs by a party and political appointees are always appointed by political affiliation. The desires of...
Cooper is term limited from running this time so none of us will be voting for him. But in the examples you provided indicate Robinson is rotten...
As soon as Tommy the helmet tester Tubberville finds out they will.
I agree. It is arrogance by the atheists who are as certain of their belief as Christians are of theirs. To me the only rational position is to...
Assange should be awarded some kind of medal. He got Gatorrick22 and wgbgator to both support him and agree with one another. Other than that he...
Please, please, please tell me that doesn’t include Mark Robinson for Governor. Please. Robinson has promoted various far-right conspiracy...
No. There’s no way they all hate him - that’s, no doubt, an exaggeration. And the “donations” they give is just protection money in case he wins.
It may be BS but the man did say it - i saw him say it.
Yes but trump was in no way involved - just some racist kook invoking his name. Didn’t warrant having his photo alongside the kook. I’m going to...
3-1 TN bottom of 5th and Aschenbach warming his rubber arm up in bullpen. TN pitcher consistently hitting a spot 4-6 inches off the plate and...
Nope no cult around here. C-SPAN caller: “I don’t care what parts on who Donald Trump touches and who he brags to about it. I love Donald Trump....
Ha. “I will not be run out of office”. Yeah, she already knows how it’s going to end.
Had a good friend who did find a square grouper (MJ) in the Port of the Isles canal near Ochopee. He responded oddly by stabbing it till it sank.
I agree with trump. If you’ve never seen it here is convicted felon donald trump saying that convicted felons shouldn’t be allowed to run for...
I don’t think you understand the point of this meme
Why do i have this feeling that beaches will be crowded in north FL today.
Sadly, i cannot disagree with Sotomayor. I would be surprised if this issue wasn’t at least argued in the SC. Self-determination is up for debate.
3 hours after
I bet she can do it and we wont even be able to detect a difference.