Hmm, their mascot is a "cock" and they find plenty of times to use a towel? Where do I recall these two things coming together before? Maybe...
I try to keep it simple. UGa is going to try and run it down our throats and use up TOP and wear down the D-line. And then it would be up to...
I would only add that I need to adjust my "pre-game prep", just like Napier did for the USCe/away games. When the game starts at noon, you have a...
You need a bit more faith than this take. Something HUGE happened on Saturday. There IS a different place to go than "we are BACK!!!" and "we be...
He has "practice squad" written all over him. Not that that is a problem, just that he will be making mainly "learning" money with a couple of...
Okay, time for the real meat. No more "fillers." IMO, what we saw Saturday afternoon was a changing of the guard, so to speak. There was a BUNCH...
They will have to help us, IMO. You do not take this game for granted...ever. If we lose 55-52 from a game ending 62-yard FG, I won't cry...too much.
I am sorry about that. Height isn't everything...even though I am 6-2. I bump my head too many times. Cheer up and feel blessed that we won! Oh,...
Um, you want him to punt the ball, or will he be in for blocking punts???
[img] Not too bad.
Dammit, my time is going all crazy. Not enough to do this game proper. You all will just have to wait until either this evening or tomorrow...
[MEDIA] Hey, s__t happens. You just may win the NC in the end!
Okay, this is all I got for a reply: Mertz is NOT the weakest link. He may stay. BTW, good job, Mertz!
Okay, here is the primer. This is NOT a "preview" where they use a bunch of snippets of the movie to get you to buy a "prime time" ticket to only...
Just a primer for the later post: I sincerely hope you all have a designated driver. This was NOT a game to not have one!!! A really good post...
Okay, I lied. So sue me! What a game! I WILL be posting about what I thought and the zigs and zags of both the game and the program. BUT, i n...
Okay. Starting...........NOW! [IMG] Um, the stop posting and not the bourbon. Aw CRAP, I posted again. STARTING NOW!!!!!!
It IS the only way...
This is going to be my one and only post in the game thread. If you are an uninvested viewer of this game, then... WHOLY CRAP, WHAT A GAME!!!...
And the most obvious: South Carolina is essentially "Low Country." If you like anything "Low Country", chances are it originated in SC.