Good take. And still, the minions DO have a vote.
I am going to go contrary to just about all the takes here, even though I don't have a stinking clue. IMO, WHEN you are getting WAAAAAAAAAAAY more...
So was my reply. Well, it was if you think quirky.
Don't like Scotch? Don't try Haggis. Trust me.
Mainly, the D-line optimism was about the depth. And usually depth means you can ride the hot hand during crunch time. It is alright but no one is...
Gosh, what a silly take. Try to keep it simple. "A" comes first in the alphabet and "U" is MUCH later. We try to maintain a sense of decorum...
I re-read my original post here, which has pasted elements from the game thread, which I did not post to except twice. It made sense at the time...
I said: Okay, I am not sure where it is in the game when I posted this. I am watching it from a DVR. Anyways, The defense just isn't that good....
It is at the half. This post isn't out of line. We are who we are. Let's have some fun in the second half!!!
Okay, I am not sure where it is in the game when I posted this. I am watching it from a DVR. Anyways, The defense just isn't that good. It is...
Dumbo, it is too late trying to suck up to your former fans. That ship has sailed. You are a patent idiot. Please go away.
My problem? They drafted Winston. Until he left, the Bucs WERE Raiders 2.0. And I am not talking about the "just win, baby" Raiders, I am talking...
Well, if they are going to go back to "the old ways" then it seems to be a great idea to both get Trask out of there while screwing up the brand...
How about a compromise? Let's go full circle. The Bucs trade Trask - even trade - for Jameis Winston. He becomes backup to Carr and when they...
It's gameday. Something feels out-of-place. What to do? [MEDIA] Over? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? I think NOT!!!
He was the tall, skinny black dude in street clothes, correct? That had to be him. There is no one that fits that description at an NBA game. Honest.
The real issue, IMO, is that the remaining sports, except for men's basketball (not including UConn) are beholden to the revenue from football. It...
Just a heads up (not that important): Carlos Del Rio Wilson, QB for Syracuse, had a game last night against Va Tech, who is not all that good....
I recall TT's "audition" with Denver. What it took was for Fox to be shown what the "exit door" looked like. And then he thought it okay to just...
I will only say what I have said plenty of times here. What we are seeing is nothing more than the first act of a three or four act play. The...