The US has been a net exporter of petroleum products since 2011 and has been a net exporter of crude oil in all but four months in Biden’s first...
Those suck but much better than the alternative. Much rather my board or teles take the hit than my head. I think it was just last winter a skier...
Is he the Matt Bevin victory party guy?
Which will usher in a UBI but we are many, many years from getting to that point.
I assume you are responding to diggers dad since i can only see one side of the conversation. You’re better off blocking him like many of us have....
It’s obscene the power bumf#$** Iowa has for simply being the first Presidential primary state. What a stupid system.
I like to rib UT but the state itself isn’t bad. Tennessee actually has a higher GDP per capita than Florida. Not sure what is driving that.
I did and made $20 bucks for about 40 minutes of work. Would I have done it for minimum wage at the time? Not a chance. That would have been like...
I’ve known three families that had McDonald’s restaurants and all three were wealthy. They definitely lived beyond their two restaurant incomes if...
I was doing a similar IF schedule but after going back to swimming I can’t even make it to lunch time most days. Hoping that changes soon.
I think there was uncertainty around the XL since it was killed once before; however, the XL pipeline was approved to move forward by the Trump...
Unlikely. They’ll just raise prices. And I’m pretty certain they’ve already been paying wages close to that in all the major metros in the state...
My question is how much did Subway donate, and to whom, to get exempted from the legislation?
Not in California but the Taco Bell a few blocks from my house has been advertising at $19 an hour for well over a year now. Their prices don’t...
I think there’s a decent amount of hyperbole surrounding both pipelines. The trans mountain pipeline has been there for 70 years and this is an...
If he said “WW too” then that is some shitty speech writing by someone in his camp since “too” is out of place and completely unnecessary in the...
This war is devastating on so many levels. I can’t imagine the human toll of losing 80-90% of personnel. Из каждых 100 мобилизованных год назад...
:D But seriously, wrong branch of the military.
Toyota thinks they have it and they’re not usually prone to exaggeration. I’m looking forward to whatever they come out with on the battery front....