“Monster” would be an apt description. Not in the superlative you clearly intended but “of unnatural or extreme ugliness, deformity, wickedness,...
The B-52 couldn’t provide CAS against an advanced military but it absolutely has against insurgents like the Taliban. However, it the most capable...
Saw both of them and the total eclipse was far better.
You acknowledge the point then claim you’re calling out BS? Ummm, sure.
People frequently mistakenly believe deaths = casualties. They are not the same thing.
That’s not how that works. Qatar could always give Iran Qatar’s own money but the funds it is holding can only go to qualified third party...
Damn, saddened to read this. I remember seeing a picture or two of her years ago and for some reason thats how I always thought of her in that...
It’s just a bunch of mindless criticism. I expect it from many on here but it seems to have wrapped up a couple of our more sensible posters too.
It’s obvious you’re confused about asset forfeiture and substitution but I have neither the inclination nor patience to explain. Go get your law...
Often they’re their own worst enemy. So get this, it was a music festival for peace in which the attendees largely supported Palestine.
Your post aligns with mine except for one point of contention. SK willingly withheld the money. It was a choice they may not have liked but they...
You’re thinking of ill-gotten gains which are frequently seized - that’s not what these funds are. This was money owed for legal oil sales.
It’s disgusting. I’m not sure I can wish enough bad things to come down on them.
Since it’s a proxy army (and Hezbollah too) we’re basically unbound to conduct direct operations against them.
Maybe? We didn’t seize it last time, we had a willing ally in South Korea hold it. What are the chances Qatar will do what the South Koreans did...
Hezbollah getting in on the action now....
We didn’t “gift” Iran $6B. It was always their money and it was part of an exchange. See, you can’t gift someone what is theirs and you can’t call...
If people aren’t trying to tie the $6B of Iranian money to this attack why is it even discussed in this thread? It didn’t precipitate the attack...
I don’t think you’re wrong about the MIC being a leech on our budget and a pernicious one we can’t seem to reduce the draw. That being said, I...
Frankly I think you’re off base for calling out @channingcrowderhungry - he’s been quite reserved despite the constant pejorative ad hominem...