am sure no underage puerto ricana's are working in new york or underaged mexican's in california,right?
'Unacceptable': Top Dem rips Biden plan to send 1,500 more troops to southern border but inept joe and border czar kamala say the border is...
damn, all this hate and none toward me, am i slipping???
now now children, lets go to a time out and think about what we said.
win the next 4 in the regular season and 1 in the tourney and tally is,imo, a moot point.
again on blocking. if you block me i am then not able to view your brilliant and insighfull thoughts.defeats the purpose, does it not?
blocking people, pettiness of a jealous mind
Alachua County has pot holes so deep you can fish in them.
isn't intelligent and democrats a oxymoron?
i thought they did in 2017, oh right, all bs talk and no action.
he is not racist, just a frustrated liberal who cannot face the truth.
well just wait until desantis writes a book and wins an emmy.......
wow, did not know so many libbies left those 2 paradise states for poor ole florida, maybe not so dumb after all.
but when people commit those crimes they are usually punished, in this case deported 5 times and still he came back, some i said...
again, preaching to the choir
if i can think of that scenario, since i have been told by many here i am dumb as a turnip, smarter people than me can come up with the idea, face...
another scenario. i buy a gun legally, let it be known it can be bought from me fror2x the price. i leave it open in my house, you come and rob...
so enlighten me, were are the illegal weapons coming from?
so if i break into a gun shop and steal weapons, is it the fault of the owner? what about guns smuggled accross the borders, is it the fault of...
am quite sure the gun was not bought legally,. just a guess, and no law will stop this from happening again.