meanwhile i will continue to collect my salary while ordinary americans lose their jobs and businesses due to lock downs.
so what is coming in next year. and if they are really good do they come at all or for more than 1 year?
exactly, fauci and weingarten were a 2 car national covid policy disaster, now they are trying to cover the tracks, good luck.
you looked, did you not, so i guess you do not want to ignore.
Fauci, Weingarten try to rewrite history on disastrous COVID-19 lockdowns: 'Show me a school that I shut down' 2 people who should never have...
looking at the roster, 4 out of 9 were from foreign countries,why? in a state like florida 1 maybe, but 4?is this a resting on his laurels by...
yet the OP on purpose pointed out only red states, again, typical liberal media bias.
wow, a liberal with common sense. of course it's a 50 state thing, but the OP chose to focus only on red stares.
yeah, i am sure sweat shops report themselves to the news, and farm workers repost to the agricultural department with numbers on underage workers.
let's face facts. Cnn, a liberal leaning news organization reported the facts. if Fox news had done it,reporting abuse in blue states, well you...
and they are so easilly confused...
again, i was using a group who has historically had underage child labor, if i offended puerto rican's i am sorry, but you cannot deny child labor...
but still the degrading phrase " brown people " comes from those who are in favor of them, no?
give them ice cream and sniff their hair
ok kreskin, what was i thinking, give me the lotto numbers then please.
so typical of you to use the phrase " brown people " when talking about immigrants, seems you are the one degrading them, i have never used that...
you get what i mean, puerto rican children underage working in sweat shops in blue state new york, as bad as the references in the OP
i am making up sweatshops in nyc? i am making up crop picking in california? these have been going on for decades, get you head out of the liberal...
just an example of underage workers from foreign countries in those 2 states, obviuosly it goes on with all immigrant groups.
so you admit it is as much blue states as red?