No one on / 1 out B/B/B/B - Adams walks
Top of the 4th K/Ks/B/B - Taylor grounds out to 2B. Nice play by Cade.
Man on 1B / 2 outs B/K - Heyman flies out to center 4/4/1/1 Gators 4-0
Men on 2B & 3B / 2 outs Kurland singles to right/center. 2 in.
Men on 1B & 2B / 1 out B/B - Evans reaches on E8 (drops the ball). Runners move up, and Ty tagged out at 1B.
Men on 1B & 2B / 1 out B/K - Boser singles to shallow left. 1 in.
Man on 2B / 1 out Shelton HBP
Man on 1B / 0 outs B - Cyr steals 2B/F/B - Jones pops out to 2B
No one on / 0 outs F/B/Ks/F/F - Cyr singles thru left gap
Bottom of the 3rd Donay = HOMER!
No one on / 2 outs Kc/Ks/Kc - Oster goes down looking. Both Oster and Luke starting moving away before Blue made the call. 0/0/0/0 Tied at 0
No one on / 1 out Kc/Ks/Kc - Bradshaw goes down looking
Top of the 3rd Kc/Kc/B/Ks - Niednagel goes down swinging
No one on / 2 outs Kc/Kc/B/B/B/Ks - Lawson goes down swinging 0/0/0/0 Tied at 0
No one on / 1 out Heyman flies out to center. Crowd thought it was going, but got hung up in the wind.
Bottom of the 2nd Kc/Ft/F/Ft/F/Ks - Kurland goes down swinging
Man on 3B / 2 outs B/B/Kc/Kc/Ks - Thrush goes down swinging, to a Big Roar from the crowd! 0/1/0/1 Tied at 0
Man on 3B / 1 out Kc/Kc/F/Ks - Peters goes down swinging
Man on 2B / 0 outs Ks/Ft - Zapp flies out to left. Runner on 3B.
Top of the 2nd Kc/B/B - Garrish doubles to left corner.