How can you all distinguish any of this? I played it 5 times with earphones and it’s just background noise. One person is talking about China?...
And here I was admiring Paul’s sweet Porsche in the garage. :oops:
Good. The law is the law. The guy broke the law and should be in jail.
I define terrorist attacks including those on churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, schools, public spaces, and Trump’s dumbassery — foreign or...
It’s not convenient, but people need to shop at multiple stores and price compare.
Not surprised. Solving problems is about who gets credit. “Some GOP lawmakers reportedly interpreted McConnell's assessment of current border...
As Americans, we should demand evidence presented to Congress and the UN. I doubt Biden or Trump would go there. Absent a direct attack by Iran,...
Robot trades are manipulating the market every millisecond. Other robots serve as the “policy agents” on acceptable trading risks set by other...
In other words, market manipulation by an AI has already happened. They are just setting it up for an innocent “we didn’t know” and “gosh we don’t...
WSJ already called it for Trump by a wide margin.
going to give you the benefit of the doubt that “them” refers to homeless person. Yes, “they” refers to humanity in general helping the homeless...
It’s in the name… “financial crimes”, so yes it is important. It is part of a Trump era 2020 law to curtail shell companies and financial crimes....
The article touches on something I had not really considered about Uber / Lyft. The article implies the driver, on an hourly basis, makes less...
Interesting. Will check it out. AI rights will be a thing. We are close to seeing it. But before that I could see cyber-implants. Will...
I generally agree with the premise. People are afraid of what they don’t understand or view as a threat. However, I doubt the parallels of...
Fortunate Son because it’s on the nose and Born in the USA because no one listened to the versus. Of course Sunday Bloody Sunday because as...
If Haley is the nominee, the Dems will find a candidate in door #2. Too many senate seats open to risk. Haley doesn’t have the clout with the...
Plot twist, putting fast food out of business so people go back to cooking and eating at the family dinner table.
She doubled-down on stupid. How can we trust her with negotiating with Putin and Xi? Just terrible. [MEDIA]