The University is not above the law. It is not cowardly to accept the will of the people who put DeSantis in place and the legislative members who...
It’s right there in the Bible next to Navy Joan. :confused: I can’t throw stones here… people gonna people.
No doubt. She excluded this from her monologue, which is weak. She also conspicuously left out spiking the ball on a woman’s right to choose, but...
Read her transcript. Ignore the vestibule and dramatic delivery… there are real issues that those on the left need to consider. In my opinion, she...
he left out “Mr Speaker” FYI, he said “the state of the Union is strong” right before the “Four more years” chant. it was oddly placed in the...
Bad return on Koch money. She is dropping out.
Cool… post #371 makes sense now.
You ask for examples of the moving goal posts of meritocracy… there is no defined comparable metric — Gattaca type stuff. ETN was pissed and...
plowing though HS with perfect score on the SAT, 4.0 GPA, 16 5’s on APs, Regeneron 1st place, and captain of his HS soccer team… rejection from UF...
Meritocracy sounds good on paper until the measurement of merit changes the moment you thought you merited into something.
Theoretically the employee portion was included in income taxable wages when paid in. The employer portion was not taxed yet, so 50% makes sense...
I have tried to find why the income tax on SS goes into the general fund and does not go back into SS fund as a pay-for when evaluating solvency....
This took me back. Something about a Texan and technicolor. I remember asking my dad “what is technicolor”. My pops was an amateur photographer,...
To think: we have reached peak society where everything is perfect! Diversity of ideas and thought permeate in our discourse. Woman and...
@oragator1 Point of Order: ah hum… Senate MINORITY Leader. good for Moscow Mitch. His legacy is cemented. He has nothing else to do with his...
Sad. Hopefully he gets his life corrected.
Covfefe is for closers.
MAGA leaning into identity politics.
I think money trickles down from the top and pools in the area where the state has the biggest reservoir. My guess is that the red states have a...
Agreed. Not a hot take, but my frustrations with the far left… Specially, black-on-black murder is not a “political affiliation problem”. It is...