14-7 UF
That stacked receiver look outside has killed Bama over and over.
That DB got burned but UT with the big mistake missing the PAT
18-0 run for Bama
Uh oh
453 to be exact. Young currently has 205.
10-0 run in the last 7 minutes to end the half for Bama and they are nearing 300 yards. UT gave up 594 to us.
UT had pretty much the perfect half against Bama. All of the short fields, penalties way in UTs favor, all of the bounces going UTs way and yet...
Tennessee has played really well, about as well as they'd hope, but this Bama team looks lost and has made some dumb mistakes. UT has had like 3...
Now an even 6-6 with Mizzou all time.
When do we never during a noon game?
1.5 million dislikes in two days to the Little Mermaid trailer. No other Disney trailer has come close to the negativity.
That's more than what Desantis did. And he's supposedly the loving all lives matter Christian.