Unless peace is negotiated, of which none has been done to date, the outcome of this war is predetermined and inevitable. Russia wins a war of...
Oh pardon me for the error. So over 7,000,000 come in illegally, and 40,000 go back so it’s not a problem. Do you see the fallacy in your argument?
I can assure you that the Javelins, ATACMS, HIMARS, and all of air defense equipment the we have GIVEN Ukraine (we will never be repaid) are not...
When you can’t win the debate, insult the intelligence of the opposing view. I wonder when the left will develop new tactics?
I did as well. But he campaigned almost as if he really didn’t want the job, just wanted it handed to him.
I didn’t realize in 2020 that we needed 7,000,000 more people to pick fruits and vegetables and prepare our meats.
Don’t hold your breath on that my friend. I think we both know where this one is headed. I would really like to have a camera on citygator where...
Someone did a thorough job picking through the cherries.
Pretty twisted logic from someone who worships Fauci.
How can anything be more embarrassing than just being a Nole??
That’s only 1 game/year
FSU - Florida’s Second-rate University! Personally, I think second is being generous
Come on War, you know the Noles better than that. We’ve got at least 3-4 more years of listening to their BS about the so-called snub. They were...
And you were one of the ones who were probably cheering for every penny of that and more, but now are happy to use it as a club. I’ve been quite...
So Biden has had a bigger deficit in three years than Trump had in four? Very interesting? I don’t care to quibble on spending as all presidents...
I transposed a word but had solid logic. You transposed logic. You really aren’t in any position to tell anyone to stop embarrassing themselves....
Sit down in a safe spot GL. I agree with you!
I see the cops doing one of the things they do best, which is cover for each other and the crooked politicians they serve. But I do not see...
Why thank you. Mine was crossing up two (obviously) words. I can fix mine and it will look fine. Unfortunately for you, yours will still...
Let us know when the “Blue Lives Matter crowd” defends this.