Here’s another gem from this farce of justice. I remember watching it live. Absolutely hilarious at the time. Howard, Robin, and Bababooey...
If you go back and read you will see what I actually said.
I’m not predicting a recession. I can see where there is at least a possibility if not a probability of one. Recent data shows that the...
I have and will admit that. I never feared a major depression and am glad that we have so far avoided even a minor. I am fearful that the Fed...
I predicted high interest rates with a lot of pain and likely recession. I still hold that view.
Don’t quibble with me city. You’re smarter than that. Government spending included a lot of stimulus.
Generally people who have a pension don’t have much in the way of a 401K. Most companies that did have pensions did not match contributions to...
I’m not mad at all. Your foolishness has been on full display here for a while now. That actually makes me quite happy.
I’m referring to those with limited savings but have pension and SS. Even for those who do have some decent size savings they would have had to...
Where was I wrong? I said early on that the ridiculous levels of government spending in a supply strained economy would cause inflation. It did....
Glad to see you back my friend!!
Oh, you poor thing. I feel so guilty. You don’t even have compassion for the issues policies that you support have brought upon people but you...
Outstanding effort sir. I tip my hat to you!
I think we all knew you were a millennial. That’s not hard to figure out. No, not revisions. I might have missed a few details on the...
I think there will be massive pressure for one, but I’m not sure the government can fudge the numbers enough for some of the Fed governors to...
I have no desire to bring people like you together into anything. You are a lost cause. Inflation has been hammering older, younger, and lower...
I’m going to say it now. There won’t be a rate cut this year.
Says the man who thinks that inflation is a narrative, not a problem. FYI, inflation hurts the oldest and the the youngest the most. The oldest...
You make a good point!