My fourth is in college now. He has not said anything relative to this topic but his siblings all had at least two professors that were overly...
If he is the heir to the throne in 28 he better make sure he hires a better campaign team than he did for 24. The only group with worse...
This will make two consecutive years where FSUcks can complain to the media and world about being omitted from a list that they didn’t belong on...
I’m outraged!
Prayers and best wishes to you Dawgfan. You’ve fought to long to give up. Keep fighting!
It doesn’t speak it, it shouts it into a bullhorn.
It’s hard to take Gaetz seriously.
An objective post???? Who are you and what have you done with our friend VA?
Penix and Daniels led their teams. Williams became invisible in tough games.
Lynch knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t let media (who don’t know shit about football) influence him.
If I was running Chicago I would not have taken a QB with the first pick. If I did take one it would have been Daniels ahead of Williams.
I’m afraid that the Halloween Ball will go over the heads of some of our younger posters here. It was quite the party!
Don’t forget Cindy.
Since food is the only true common denominator (everyone has to eat) in the index, please open up that aperture and tell us how much food is over...
I hope not. There were several iterations at trying to get inflation under control in the 70’s that eased up too soon. Those resulted in Volcker...
Theatrics aside, the article is right to point out that there are some big bumps in the road. Partisans will claim that all is well or that we’re...
Right, sure, of course. You are a big part of the problem. I wouldn’t expect you to be part of the solution. Enjoy your CNN tonight.
You don’t think the majority at least leans left?? Open your eyes and ears. They all lean left the same way Fox leans right. I believe that if...
Where did I say it was “the lefts fault? Simply stated the fact that all but one national media source leans heavily left. The other leans...
This, in a most unfortunate way, is what the “news” media has become. Both sides have their own fringe outlets catering to both sets of extreme...