And Blue Blood Program. Not many other schools could pull in this roster at the last minute even with money.
Oweh is a problem. Dude is instant offense. He was in when they made their big run in the first half. Gotta be careful here and not give them any...
First one to 105 wins this game.
He also hooked Chinny on an earlier drive to the basket and it wasn't called.
Martin is in the zone now. Playing much better with Clayton on the bench, sorry to say.
Why is Chinny on the bench so long? Did he pick up a 3rd foul?
Maybe Martin should shoot fadeaways when taking FTs. He's money on those.
How did Kentucky lose a coach and all their players and put together a team like this in one off-season?
Tie ball game if we hit our FTs today.
Chinny needs to watch those back-door cut passes. He's had a couple he could have deflected if he was looking for it.
If Clayton is going to switch then switch. Don't switch then bail.
I'm concerned about our penchant for trying to hit contested 3s. Need to get back to shooting 3s when open of kickouts, otherwise, get to the...
We may find out how badly we miss a really reliable point guard during SEC play. Got away with it in the non- conference, but unless Clayton steps...
Giving the ball to Clayton to run out a clock never works. He sits on it too long and we never get anything. This is where we miss Pullin. He...
Chinny showing the team how to shoot FTs
Falling apart. Need to hold on here last minute.
Clayton plays so nonchalant. Came back to bite him there. He needs to start digging in and playing with fire now.
3 on Williams helps offset Chinny with 2. FTs just killing us. WTH?
What is with our FTs today?
Not a guy that you can draw fouls against. Just roams around the 3 point line on O and D for the most part. Could try sticking Richard on him and...