Me either. Looking forward to 1% inflation, price reductions everywhere and . . . basically Eden revisited. Anything short of that and. . . ....
And that we could never unsee that. Yep. I laugh every time he (or any MAGA) does it. Now, combine that with the routine he performed on the...
I hope this helps him moving forward. Forced him to move in the pocket and find receivers downfield and he showed he can do it. Really bodes well...
If he doesn't, then I feel like this is fool's gold. As I said before, getting the players to play hard is a bare minimum requirement for a HC....
Firing every single government employee doesn't even get you halfway to 2T.
And keep up the tariffs, decoupling and cut them off from any tech they would use against us along with strengthening our partnerships and...
Interesting. Is it about race or competency? Or maybe just ease of communication and shared cultural values?
But Putin's pride . . . Who's going to stand up for Putin's precious pride?
Yeah, but we still had a sick defense and tons of good players on the roster, including Shane, who was 4th string when SOS arrived. Not...
Interesting how you conveniently see those as comparable when, in fact, they're two different things. Hillary/Mueller was sour grapes. Tulsi's...
I'm curious. Were you this big a fan when she was standing arm and arm with Sanders? Is this just a case of, throw on a Gator helmet and all's...
Oh, well we can just end the argument now . . . Such convincing evidence.
I don't know bro. Not sure I can match your "cutting edge" thinking. So edgy. . . Sooo dangerous!!!
A little clarification. 1. It was the economy. People aren't even thinking this deep (don't want a woman). They just want their eggs and milk to...
This is actually true. I still think he's a lightweight for the job, but to pretend he has no military experience is beyond misleading.
Dude, you're such an edgelord! Tell us, how does one become as cool as you?
We even see this in Spain. First group was great, gave us Cordoba, etc. Next group a bunch of reactionary turds that basically kick start the...
No, it was cutting off/taxing the shit out of all the trade coming from the east when they took over. So the Portuguese figured a way around them....
Ah, already setting up the excuses, huh?. . . . Never too early, I guess.
Oh yeah. These weren't geniuses. They were Knights looking to plunder. At least a lot of them were.