It should. Actually I've read some stuff recently that for many, they paid more out then they will get back. Although that was a few years ago - I...
It's just so frustrating, because it's the existence of the large generation of boomers in the first place that is essentially breaking the...
yeah easy for me to say but I’d prefer they not cut it at all. Ffs. It’s their idea not mine.
eff that. Eff old people. So they get theirs but the rest of us get screwed one last time by the boomers before they take the long dirt nap? Nah.... this old piece sums it up nicely fight progress kicking and screaming all...
It is what it is.
I'm sure someone very much like you said the same thing about civil rights 60 years ago
You can't have education without values baked in. WTF. Education does not exist in a vacuum. We don't sit there and teach people 2+2=4 and that's...
Shit you got me there
I'm sure you have before and just didn't realize it. But I guess gay men would be safe. Just not straight men.
Gender separation? I mean... should we just have all boys and all girls schools? At what age is gender mingling ok? We really can't hire someone...
for the Mennonites
None of that is legislated. And it's funny that you mention the "activist mob" like it's some arm of the government. And holy shit wtf is wrong...
Clearly lol What he fails to understand is the gay spreads like cooties - the kid could catch it by standing too close. Obviously. DUH. And...
Cause it is ;-) But ok - to play along with your arguments, which have been disappointing today I have to say... what change am I demanding?
This is hilarious to me. You're the one demanding change - you're the one with the "activist" governor fighting the woke war. I'm just the one...
I like progress
That's a powerful statement - when your "values" have so little organic support that you have to legislate to enforce your "values" that sounds...
At Disney world? Most people who don't care about the trans issue probably wouldn't give it a second thought. Especially if he is just playing a...
It was a joke jeez But I mean if that guy dressed up in that costume offended you definitely don't go to New Orleans lol