Arkansas doing their best to blow it.
Counterpoint: South Carolina got blown out by Florida and lost to Mizzy.
Shocked they kept it up. I guess the USCe posters who mysteriously vanished last week will be back ;)
The Chip Kelly fans from 5 years ago are still mad.
No doubt that the Beamers will blow this, but letting a bad USCe team get this many points will look bad for the vollies come playoff time.
Another derailment for the Lane train.
He made his decision before the season began.
Basketball season has started.
AR and Napier are a poor match.
We'll be 7-5 and then 8-5 after the bowl game.
We suck.
Great news...we don't actually have one.
Will never understand coaches who don't take special teams seriously.
Vandy last beat us in 2013, not 4 years ago.
Nope, team went to the Sugar Bowl :eek:
I know someone is going to get it wrong and say "we've never lost to Vandy and Kentucky in the same season" We have..three times..1974, 1955, 1949
With a 3 permanent 6 rotating schedule everyone will play everyone else in the conference over 4 seasons, that is way more fair then 7 permanent...
We really have no plan if a team shuts down the run.