I admire her courage as well, but with that punishment, this incident might end up having the opposite effect.
I lean rather against social censorship, because in order to advocate for it on some occasions, we need to who decides when that is the...
Your post raises two interesting questions: First, to what extent can we apply lessons from college basketball polling to baseball? I don’t know...
Monk, I think @gator_lawyer has a point that this tweet seems antithetical to your earlier implication that plagiarism is an act deserving of...
l_boy and lawyer, I just wanted to say that I’ve appreciated your prolonged exchange about this relevant topic. A few small barbs were tossed, but...
Ken Pomeroy found that in college basketball the preseason AP poll is actually a better predictor of post-season performance than the last AP poll...
I don’t feel qualified to judge relative insidiousness, and nor am I familiar with Haley’s actual comments denying racism, so I may agree with you...
Good point. I think I use divisive in the way that Trickster is employing it here. Perhaps we should be using a different term, like demonizer....
My view is probably closer to that of Trickster, but I certainly understand your point. Only in the last few years have I started to soften on...
UF 95 UK 90 MVG Samuel SOG +3
All time great song, album, and musical duo. I somehow didn’t even notice that Les passed. RIP.
Ha, well that’s a good point too, but I dont yet see an alternative to having humans involved in stuff.
Edit: My concerns are embodied within Goodhart’s law, which says “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.”
That does make sense. Though I am always wary of specific benchmark incentives. Airlines probably did shoot for this specific metric due to the...
The outcome seems to be what we want. I’m not sure how we can elucidate the cause. Is this a result of better governance? Or better work by the...
Steven Pinker echoes some of your sentiments here....
This is true, but it’s not the raw total of points that matters. Instead, it’s the efficiency. E.g. If Florida scores 1.1 points per possession...
The idea that there are inevitable political outcomes is sometimes called historicism. Its roots trace back to at least Plato who argued that...
I think it is really tough to understand alternative political perspectives, otherwise those forum probably wouldn’t exist. It seems weird to me...
Nobody thinks like this. Just like the conservatives who claim that democrats support welfare in order to keep blacks dependent upon the...