The economy might be terrible or doing fine, and I agree with the posters in this thread that only a systemic study of factors could help us to...
Im not a fan of authorities being able regulate the choices of individuals. That said, the horrors of some of these substances are so palpable...
The nature of addiction is fascinating. It must be that some people are addicted to marijuana, but this alone can’t be grounds for regulation....
Indeed, I would not envy the beholder’s subsequent case of pink eye! But in reality, even though I am often one of the more ardent proponent of...
I will give the conservative criticism this: there appears to be no view from nowhere. All analysis must start from some perspective or another,...
Who gets to be the ultimate arbiter of what is considered batshit?
Oh thank god. Not that the young guns aren’t talented, but with the loss of ETN, Johnson was our only chance to have a proven back return.
They would if people stopped tuning in for it.
Im definitely with you on mob rule. Madison, who I hold in great esteem, clearly had his gaze fixed squarely on protecting against it. In this...
The mechanics of elections are fascinating in their own right. If it is a statewide office, having a statewide vote doesn’t seem overtly...
I finally got a copy of this from the library, and it was worth the wait. A very deep, humble, and beautiful book underscoring the value of each...
Your point on the homogenization of society’s viewpoints is, I believe, a crucial one. Indeed, Madison assumed diversity of interests across the...
Certainly the results of elections need to be respected. In cases like Boebert’s, the results still beg to be explained. Why would a district...
UF: 77 OM: 70 MVG: Clayton SOG: 55%
If you only view those with whom you disagree as brainwashed idiots, you’ll never be an ounce wiser than you are today.
I mean, taking this example in its limited form, we all should agree with you. I think some of us can’t help but think of the larger significance...
Let’s not even talk about the future of American hockey.
Lots of species seem to have the same idea.
2023 is now confirmed to be the warmest year on record by a good margin. 2024 will likely be up there as well, as this current El Niño continues....