Way to battle back, Baker, home against the (checks notes) 1-10 Panthers.
No good place to post this, so adding it here. KenPom #35...your Florida Gators. KenPom #60, 5-2 St. John's. Their two losses aren't terrible....
2 min warning for first half and it's been just Baker. You'll be shocked -- SHOCKED -- to hear he is struggling: 5/13 66 5.1 0TD 1Int Passer...
Crap, I was going to chime in with that one.
I would be angry and wrong. That’s why FSU doesn’t get a vote.
They will go to a premier bowl. Half their defense will opt out. They will get humiliated. Even better, they will convince themselves it just...
@akaGatorhoops How does Chris Mack figure into this episode?
That's really fun to see, Brent. And of course, thanks for all you've done on this side over the years.
Suspended for your Kentucky game?
Mertz announced his return.
I went to 247 rankings for 2024 and searched for Colorado. No match. Why? They only show the top 50. I had to click "Show more..." to get to them...
You...didn't read anything about the press conference. Here's one of the quotes: ""I kind of played selfish a little at the start of the season,...
Wake has nobody with 3 fouls. Grrrr.
Bring back the 4 guard lineup?
Refs teeing off on Condon.
I'll never understand why the ball handler can move a half yard out of their way, into the defender, and get a foul. It's very unnatural, not a...
I believe the announcers went most of the (short) segment without discussing basketball.
UVA up on A&M. Hmmm.
UT getting worked by UNC.