Which he just did and lost the handle.
We done gone COLD.
This isn't going as I expected.
Pullin is 0-4, 0-2 in 13 minutes.
I did it! I lifted the curse!
Riley has the "I might never score again" curse.
Some hero pass attempts led to turnovers and points. Condon left some points at the FT line. Game felt like at least 5-7 points more from us. My...
Riley took 3 shots. 0-2 and 0-1.
Reminds me of the Colonel Reb is Crying video.
I have a legit QUEStion. Any update on how he's recovering @tampajack1 ?
Is this the Marshall game?
Nice segment to pull away, then ugly segment to let them get back in. These four player sub lines are…interesting.
I’m watching on Hulu, I guess that explains it.
You’re right. We’ve played 12 players. Clearly Coach is noodling with something.
Crawford 5-10 from 3.
Easily the worst TV production I’ve ever seen. Are we getting a different feed than the broadcast?
Dizeko misses point blank leads to bucket and foul at other end. Grr.
It doesn’t help that Kyle is out much of the game and Dut is 1-5