Apparently it was just something Matt Gaetz claimed Democrats believe.
Well congrats. You are now a Hitler apologist as well as a Trump apologist.
95 lie? Never.
True. If you want people to take you seriously you need actual data, not anecdotal examples chosen to make things look as bad as possible.
Yeah I very much doubt Mills and Buck sit around listening to VH in their free time. REM was a hugely influential band in the 80s. Many of my...
Unsurprising that you aren't sure who Hitler was. There's lot's of books about him. You should read one. Just make sure it's not written by...
It would take a while, but I could do it. I scanned your Ranker list of the 250 best bands. Lot's of omissions in there for me. But I'm not...
I'm not a fan of Van Halen. Never have been.
Honest question. Do you know who Adolph Hitler was and what he stood for?
You gotta be kidding. You think Hitler couldn't have been talking about race (and/or ethnicity) because no great cultures have ever perished due...
This is getting really weird. What do you think Hitler was talking about when he said: Everything we admire on this earth today—science and art,...
My god that's an idiotic post. You don't have any idea what Hitler meant by blood poisoning destroying cultures? Are you really this ignorant or...
Real wages are about the same as they were 2 years ago too.
By your reasoning we live with that mountain of inflation from the late 70s every day too!
The true topic of the thread is white grievance as made obvious by the OP and this post.
It's not about how well they play their instruments. It's about how much I like them and I don't like VH. Some of my favorite bands of all time...
It's your list, leave them off. VH would not make my top 500.
Dude those schnauzers are calling. Spend more time with them and less time looking like a fool on a message board.
Because Zeppelin sounds nothing like the musicians they ripped off.
Cool story. OK song. Too bad they put those strings all over it.