Ehhh. That’s just human nature. Humans have been killing to get what they want since the dawn of time. And that’s actually killing living...
You’re far too hard on yourself. We are just highly evolved mammals. Prone to the same animal instincts inherent to any creature that has...
I’ve seen Ziggy a few times. Including opening up for Tedeschi Trucks Band almost exactly one year ago. By FAR the best part of his show was him...
Most people are morons. I think most knowledgeable music fans would know about Toots, Tosh & Cliff. But none of them hold a candle to Marley....
I can let Dylan slide. Besmirching Marley - arguably the most racially transcendental and brilliant artist of all time… Now we might really have...
I thought it was the media at first but I think Trump really is slipping. I predict he doesn’t participate in the debates. Especially is RFK is...
Lol good luck selling your crazy shit to white suburban women who are having difficulty conceiving.
risky. He might alienate all the southern Baptists who are otherwise going to vote for a rapist felon.
Statistically you or someone in your family is more likely to die by way of the firearms you own than some imaginary bad guy. Meanwhile your...
I know that’s why this is kinda remarkable. Can’t sell a room full of billionaires on tax cuts…
"CEOs said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map…” They left the meeting LESS LIKELY to...
The idea of mitigation is completely lost on some people. If a law doesn’t prevent all gun violence then they think it’s worthless. If you...
Maybe. Some guys are afraid of going to church or the post office without a piece. Some are afraid of their crack dealers. That’s the beauty of...
Bob Seger is a complete cheese dick but he wrote a few classics. How can you not love Night Moves? Song rules. Fight me.
lol Kavanaugh
Shithole country
Breaking: It still happened U.N. Report Accuses Both Israel and Palestinian Groups of War Crimes