Oragator in here posting New York post links. End times.
These administrators were placed on administrative leave for comments made in a non-public text chat. Someone took pics of it and disseminated...
I'm all for a good rant as long as it comes with an answer.
So who you voting for?
I wonder what percentage of the attendees of this meeting were morbidly obese. I’m guessing way higher than the national average.
Fantastic post.
Plus Christianity just so happens to be the predominant religion here so he gets to go to heaven too!
Nothing makes me weep for the future like ardent 2A supporters. Shit hole country.
Sad day for the gun lobby.
Contra reminds me a lot of GatorMB from way back when. Had big John Coffee as his avatar. Anyone remember that dude?
We aren’t going to get anywhere with you quoting scripture to me. You’re operating entirely based on what I consider to be a faulty premise. It...
Deleted my last post. Thought we were talking infidelity not pre-marital sex - in case you saw/were replying.
I actually think there’s a good chance Biden wins more comfortably this go around than the first time. I think once this becomes a truly binary...
I just think it’s crazy they don’t know definitively when his term will end.
That school was founded by the Emerson, Lake & Palmer guy, right?
Firm but fair. I’m still not sure I’d consider you “socially conservative” though, especially given the type of people I’d apply that moniker.
It’s almost like y’all don’t read the book you’re claiming is divine.
So aside from abortion - on which issues are you a “social conservative?”
Well Florida is a “no fault” state. Not sure where you live but I’d assume Florida given where we are discussing this. But in any case there...