Pretty much my exact thoughts.
Imagine feeling the need to defend a troll like this. Tribal insanity.
too soon Got a kick out of the royal kid getting her doors...
Maybe he’ll get laid in heaven? silver lining.
Literally lol’d. That’s twice in like 24 hours. Love this board. fingers crossed 92 or some other misguided soul comes in here to white knight...
Shit now I’m engaging an incel pretending to be his mom. I’ll stop now.
If this guy got bullied in school, did he deserve it? Honest question.
You’re engaging an incel who is pretending to be his mom.
The Obama messiah complex was created whole cloth in the minds of republicans. They are the only people that ever referred to him as a messiah....
What was the “sarcastic reference to the article” and how do we know when it happened? Please point me to something that is clearly...
Legit lol’d at this
I assume you’re joking but I don’t know what the show is about either. Is this comic book stuff?
Full disclosure I have that dude on ignore. Without looking I bet he responds with a not clever gif.
Hard to get. I like that.
“Imagine a black speaker at Columbia was talking about racism and similar texts were shared among white professors. What would be your response?”...
I don’t think anything in the article is untrue. I just don’t think these professors or administrators did anything that warranted a...
What happened exactly that was so egregious? Or even “anti-Semitic?” The emojis? The “ugh.” The claims of fundraising? You don’t find it...
Buzz Lightyear’s drunk uncle.