Saw it reported on the news. I would be shocked if it isn’t a hate crime.
Swift less net worth
Not only that but he probably walked around for hours to make is five minute video. Fans are fans. Some are idiots doesn’t matter the team.
It takes time for businesses to adapt. We all have known companies that used to print files from their computers and put them in filing cabinets....
I know this is meant as a joke but I wonder what percentage of people would be willing to close the door behind them after they get through?
I see the parallel but I think it’s slightly different. Zimmerman murdered an innocent kid for being black. Rittenhouse did something stupid but...
But you can say other explanations are wrong? Message board certainty it’s more reliable than science. lol
So what happened then? I am getting no real explanation.
What about 9/11? Wasn’t that in 2001?
So a 300000 dollar car speeds at a 100 miles an hour and wrecks. Did the driver have a heart attack before the accident?
Johnson on a screen pass from about 12 yards out. lol
I have a buddy from buffalo, his instant reaction was that it was a mob hit. His opinion was an angle I never considered.
In general I think busting up monopolies is a good thing. My son needed a new vehicle for a new job. New and used car prices are insane right now...
Not to nitpick but the plural of anecdote is not data.
Iowa @ Nebraska UTSA @ Tulane Oregon State @ Oregon Ohio State @ Michigan Indiana @ Purdue Wake Forest @ Syracuse Wisconsin @ Minnesota FSU @...
Walmart said they are expecting lower prices almost across the board. Maybe as soon as Christmas.
That seems to be the anecdotal case but is it actual?
Social media in my opinion is the greatest threat to our way of life. I trust we will figure it out.
Exactly this there are 330 million people in this country. 30 percent are nuts. They will do anything.