I rented the bolt. It was like 25 dollars a day on some sort of special. Only place I could find to charge it was at a Chevy dealer and it took an...
Then I rented a bolt. It wasn’t luxurious but it was a good daily driver. If it could charge anywhere, I would seriously consider getting one. My...
It’s an Apple Watch version 5. It still gets updates but is out of warranty. It was hard to find this info out. I only really use the health...
It’s silly but having goals and getting stupid badges helps motivate me.
I have an Apple Watch. Can’t think of what number now but it’s about 5 years old. I have the fitness app that links up with my phone. I imagine...
Fake news. lol. If your not grifting I can’t see why any decent human would want to be a member of the house.
Carol O’Conner nailed that role. I watched with my parents growing up and they thought Archie was the every man hero of the show instead of the...
I rented a little gm electric car while traveling. Don’t recall if it was a volt or a bolt. It was nice gave us plenty of usage but it wouldn’t...
I can’t count the number of deliveries we get from ev vehicles. Most govt vehicles including mail trucks should be ev but our underwear stain of a...
I always wondered if the Osage were the inspiration for Heller for the Native American charachter in catch 22.
I was pointing out what happened. I also am not sure how true those voting numbers are. Hitler used plebiscites to annex Austria and maybe part s...
I think I picked FSU I enjoyed UCF’s silliness I think fsu thinking they got wronged would be hilarious.
Don’t think small. Meteor all the way. lol
They held a national election in Venezuela asking if they should do this. 90 percent of the counted votes endorsed the invasion.
On a certain level the kids need to do what is best for them. For a running back limiting the number of carries and hits would seem to be a goal...
You left out Matt Gaetz. Florida man who is under investigation for sex crimes against children. His buddy has pled guilty so it’s only time till...
I am not sure this counts as greed but prices always are slippery on the way up and sticky on the way down.
Louisville Bama Appalachian State Tulane UNLV
This is possibly the case there is a genetic mutation that makes someone immune to hiv. I can’t see why Covid wouldn’t have the same possibility....
What I don’t know is one’s entering the portal count or can you enter test the market and return with nothing counted.