I am horribly shocked.
It was a june article in the AMA, I am assuming it is higher now.
I was dismissing some as just ignorant, but I look at people like my accounting manager. She isn't stupid and is also well educated but she keeps...
Being reported now. No talk of vaccines or masks, just throwing more money at generally unqualified subs as teachers get sick. Sound strategy....
As I said before, just treat him like a someone else’s bratty kid seeking attention. Ignore.
Our school board had pre-school year meeting a few weeks ago and nothing covid related was on the agenda. I guess they figured it was like covid...
People like this are why vaccination sights in GA are having to shut down due to anti-vaxxer's threats. It's insane.
Haven't seen anything in writing yet, but my wife just got a notice that her sub teacher pay will double starting next week as Cobb County deals...
Hmmmm. Interesting in that I am not surprised by either development.
Crisis actors, fake news, covid testing causes RSV, Hillary’s emails? All reasonable explanations as to why ICU beds are filling up with kids.
A little extra info. Over 91% of duke is already vaxxed. Waivers avail for medical and religious purposes. Those fired not eligible for rehire....
The stance from Duke seems a little harsh, I agree, but the disease is relevant and it ties to your second sentence. The limits seem to be when...
I don’t know Tilly. If someone is ignorant and they are just hurting themselves, fine. If someone wants to actively spread ignorance and...
Why not just kick her out of the class
Our local hospital system. [ATTACH]
That’s a bold statement.
I know the science deniers like to find stats that support their beliefs, so I am not sure which ones are the stats du jour. " Yeah, but how many...
Did you even have to look at the source to know it would be crap? I was going to reply to his ridiculous post about wuhan and Pfizer but I will...
GA Governor deploying National Guard to help overwhelmed hospitals deal with Covid. Extra morgues, National Guard, $125M extra for GA hospital...