"Police say truck had swastika painted on it" Like I said before, luckily most of these people are blessed with an incredible level of stupid.
How do you live with that? Brutal.
There is also the fact that most MDs are vaccinated. In June, it was at 96%, not sure what it is now. The overwhelmingly majority of the most...
Luckily, the bulk of insurrectionists are blessed with massive levels of stupidity. Spent a couple of grand on the rifle and another couple of...
Not the best and brightest.
Jesus, the comments sections on that site has me rethinking the concept of forced sterilization. A whole lot of stupid.
I like seeing this page updated with stories of anti-American criminals being investigated and tossed in jail.
Who would have guessed? Stunned I am. CDC: Unvaccinated 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19 The Centers for Disease Control and...
Well played.
You seriously sit around and wonder about arcane crap like that? Have you considered a hobby?
Or we can read past the headline.
The 30 or 40% is not Maryland, that is one county in Maryland.
Seems like it was made up, but I would be interested to see if there is an actual source for this information.
Holy crap, I unfortunately just read up on the author of that piece. A personal trainer/life coach (really) who appears to be be incredibly...
My last few doctor visits (other than annual physicals) have usually been impact related.
You skip annual physicals? They were required in the military and I just kept up the habit, seemed like a good idea.
Heard this on the radio on the drive in this morning. Apparently many in Idaho "don't believe in Covid". Again, science doesn't care what you...
Day? You’re being kind.
I posted an earlier version of this, I don't think much has changed except the overall numbers have gone up. Hoping overall numbers come down soon...