My oil stock is doing really well over the last few weeks which isn’t a good thing for the average consumer.
Glad she is OK and no one else in the family had it.
Weird, who would have thought this could happen? New Mexico reports two deaths from ivermectin
Spending a few days in Boulder. Everything open, but they believe in science. Their cases per 100k are around 7x less than where I live in...
You can't expect him to read his own links.
That's horrible.
Who would have guessed? Schools without mask mandate 3.5 times more likely to have COVID-19 outbreaks: CDC study
I get what you are saying but he will continue to post blatantly wrong info and correcting him won't make a difference. You're not going to...
Can't believe people are ignorant enough to consider TC a source for information. I get it, he is an entertainer but some people view his...
No one should respond to him as long as he posts ridiculous stuff. If, by some miracle, he starts adding value then engage him.
Some state animosity. Washington governor to Idaho officials: 'Stop clogging up my hospitals' Nearly all COVID-19 recent COVID-19...
Doc i know has a common saying that 85% of all hospitalizations are self imposed. Not sure how accurate that is, but we do a crappy job of taking...
No, we are fine. Let's just chug along on our current system, it is working great. [ATTACH]
I don’t know, he may be on to something with having a tactic and sticking to it, as a weapons and tactics instructor in the Navy, I should have...
I would have thought this was common sense.
Such a crap article. Can’t believe anyone read it much less used it as a basis for an argument.
I would think so too.
Informative. I can't even remember half the shots the navy gave me, it seems like they did them in groups (I assume they knew what they were...
In his defense, who would have ever thought Fauci’s vax status could be verified just by using Google. ;)
"When officer pulled over the truck, he saw inside the bayonet and machete, which are illegal in D.C."